Sunday, July 26, 2009

Men what must I do to get you to approach me?

Today I went outside and then people were staring at me and then one guy was like walking in front of me back and forth and then he smiled at me. So I followed all your advice and I smiled back, but then that's it. He did nothing. Some guys just went up to my face and give me a nasty look and say "sexy", but no I don't want those men. Another man who was decent stared at me for so long and I stared back, and he was gonna approach me and then he decided to go back and left. Then this man who was like 40ish is the one who went up to me and told me oh you're so beautiful i wanna squeeze you, Okay I am 18. So the people who are like my age or a little bit older [19 - 25] than me won't approach me, but the one who's almost my parents' age [40ish] will? What must I do to get you men to approach me?

I don't have a pic but people tell me I look like the girl on the left and I dress like that too, my hair is also like that but darker.

Men what must I do to get you to approach me?

Hun, first thing you must do is have confidence in yourself and second: Why do they have to approach you? If we spend the rest of our live relying on men to do everything women would not be where they are know and I would not have the man I have now. If you see a man that is attractive approach them. Ask him what time it is then smile and flirt a little. Men like a women that is not scared to ask them out. Trust and have faith in yourself and go after anything in life that you want. men especially.

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