Monday, July 27, 2009


okay this boy that i really like is 24 and very sexy. He has a lot going for himself. He doesn't sell any drugs and has a real job. the boys that i usually talk to sell drugs and end up getting locked up. But he is ver different. But he plays to many games. okay i went out with him on las saturday and we had an okay time. we talked on the phone for about three days straight. then he didn't call me for about three days. so he called me last Sunday and said he was going to pick me up at 7:00 but i wasn't done finishing my hair until 9:30 so when i tried to call him back at 9:30 and he didn't answer the phone. so he called me early today but i could not answer the phone and i just tried to call him and he let the phone ring twice then he hung up. I do like him but it seems like he is playing a little to much of games. Should I call him back or say **** him! p.s. I did really like him!


you are retarded. go back to thugs.


hey, u should meet him in person and just talk to him


you would probably be having a good time with him right now if he didn't have to wait two and a half hours for you to do your hair- come on


you should have been ready at 7pm. Why didnt you just let him know about your hair problem??

call him or send him an sms.. easy.


Stop making yourself so available. Start playing the games back. Don't call him back. If he really likes you, he'll call you! Make him chase you!


move on!


who said he was serious, and please dont open urself too much to him, he might take advantage of you


you say he is playing games? I think you better take a good look at yourself. You showed no respect to him by not being ready at 7:00, why should he talk to you


i think you should say forget him....hes playing games with you and god knows who he doing in the mean time. alot of men out there dont waste your time on him!!


If you really like him, you probably need to let him go. He wants to feel like he is important and IS playing games with you. I've been there, so I know where he is coming from. Just because he is the FIRST guy you met that is descent, doesn't mean he is the only one of his kind. Find the one like him, but who isn't a child., you will be much happier in the end.


ok i dont blame him not answering the phone to you. he said 7 and you were still fixing your hair at 9.30, thats crazy lady. maybe if you apologised to him for bein so late he might answer your calls. he prob thinkss you're the one playin games.


why don't you ask him if he like you,, if he reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy like you


Of course call him back, give him a chance, he has things to do also, I guess since you was not ready, he just went out, Girl you are got to learn how to do a quick due, with your hair.

And pull him on playing these games, tell him do not be waisting your time.


Gaming guys get x'ed out of my phone book.......


It sounds to me that he feels the same way you feel. He probably thinks your the one playing games. First you stood him up because of your hair...OMG! Talk about a really lame excuse to miss out on a date. He probably didn't answer the phone because he was hurt or mad. I know I would have been if I had been him. Then he probably cooled down and thought about you and decided to take another chance. So when you didn't answer your phone, he probably thought you were avoiding him.

Personally, I don't think he's using you or playing games with you. I think you need to learn how to pick up the phone and call a person when you know you're going to be late, it's only polite. So no...I don't think you should call him and cuss him out. I think you should call him and apologize for your rudeness.

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