Can you resist boys?
A sexy blonde blue eyed bomb shell shows up at your door. She wants to see your sister karla because they schedualed to do homwork together. She looks up at you and shes shacking. Shes really cold because shes been walking outside going down from house to house looking for karla's house because she forgot the house adress. You know you don't have a sister named karla so what are you gonna do?
Girls can you resist?
A hot tanned guy with green eyes and black hair is walking down your street shirtless. Your about to go to the corner store to get milk. You end up walking right behind him. He turns around and asks you which way the corner store is. He says he;s been running and he needs to buy a water. What do you do?
Could you handle the temptation..?
be myself and say in my own charming way i was just going there i will show you than as we walk just ask normal questions like did you just move here ? what do you do for a living ? etc. as we walk out together,i would give him my number, IF we Click.
Could you handle the temptation..?
go to the store with him to get water.
invite him over after
Could you handle the temptation..?
What is "shacking"?
Could you handle the temptation..?
Your lame!
Could you handle the temptation..?
hahaha id definitly go to the store with him then invite him back to my house to cool off there
Could you handle the temptation..?
i would tell him it was around the corner and take a detour!never talk to strangers!! lol
Could you handle the temptation..?
For girl with blue eyes and blonde hair:
Well, I would be thinking, "HOLY CRAP!" but I would ask if she wanted a sweatshirt or something, or help her find the house, w/e. I would help her out and if she wants to know me better, she already knows where I live. Also, I would invite her back to my place after the homework is done.
Could you handle the temptation..?
If i had a partner i would say... the deli is on that corner. Goodbye.
And keep walking thinking how great my bf is.
People who cheat are the lowest life forms on earth.
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