When man love beautiful colourful face, sharp fine colour fingers, fine body, fine legs, clean sparkling %26amp; nice not out shape hair %26amp; etc is his saten move to destroy the world.
This man will leave the wife, family %26amp; children to satisfy their wish.
The ladies %26amp; mothers today try not to do housework to keep themselves with clean, sexy, fine colourful fingers %26amp; etc to reach man wish.
When father went out for ladies, mother sitting at home to upkeep his physical look to be most attractive. The children are not guided to do house work, proper life %26amp; etc.
We have the next generation that do not know how to manage themselves. They married %26amp; divorce %26amp; the world will be upside down.
The man cause the failure to carry out the duty to bring up proper generation %26amp; indirectly they leads the way to destroy the world.
Finally! Man you are sin ....big sin...!!!!
Some religion please aware, it is not the ladies that make sin but man is sin the monster that cause all.
Man love beautiful %26amp; fine look %26amp; not rough lady, Do you aware this the 1st step you make sin %26amp; destroy world?
What exactly is your question? This might make more sense if you try to write it in your own language.
Man love beautiful %26amp; fine look %26amp; not rough lady, Do you aware this the 1st step you make sin %26amp; destroy world?
Well! are you a lady that neglect your children. Report It
Man love beautiful %26amp; fine look %26amp; not rough lady, Do you aware this the 1st step you make sin %26amp; destroy world?
what? Report It
Man love beautiful %26amp; fine look %26amp; not rough lady, Do you aware this the 1st step you make sin %26amp; destroy world?
are you one? Report It
Man love beautiful %26amp; fine look %26amp; not rough lady, Do you aware this the 1st step you make sin %26amp; destroy world?
right on! defend your beliefs. i'm fine with that.
Man love beautiful %26amp; fine look %26amp; not rough lady, Do you aware this the 1st step you make sin %26amp; destroy world?
Ha ha ha... you have a very good imagination.
All the conclusions you derived are so far fetch that it's further than where a triple jump could reached.
Basically, what you are saying is this:
1) All men cannot control their desires.
2) All beautiful mother neglected their children because they are too busy in keeping themselves looked pretty.
3) Beautiful women are the causes of all men who had sinned.
And the solution you offered is this:
1) Men please stop loving beautiful women to avoid sinning. As if that's ever possible.
2) Women please start making yourself looked ugly so that men would not sin. (So, is your wife ugly then?)
Man love beautiful %26amp; fine look %26amp; not rough lady, Do you aware this the 1st step you make sin %26amp; destroy world?
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