Today I went outside and then people were staring at me and then one guy was like walking in front of me back and forth and then he smiled at me. So I followed all your advice and I smiled back, but then that's it. He did nothing. Some guys just went up to my face and give me a nasty look and say "sexy", but no I don't want those men. Another man who was decent stared at me for so long and I stared back, and he was gonna approach me and then he decided to go back and left. Then this man who was like 40ish is the one who went up to me and told me oh you're so beautiful i wanna squeeze you, Okay I am 18. So the people who are like my age or a little bit older than me won't approach me, but the one who's almost my parents' age will? What must I do to get you men to approach me? Help me!
I don't have a pic but people tell me I look like the girl on the left and I dress like that too, my hair is also like that but darker.
Men please help me :(?
wow, I can't believe i came across this question (after answering like, 20 billion IT questions!), or how pretty you (supposedly) are, or indeed that I am actually answering said question? Weird. ANYHOO.... so, rules for attracting blokes? simple - be confident and smile. At the right people. For the right amount of time: Too long and you're considering weird, at the wrong person (age group included here), and you're considered jailbait. That's the way it is. DECENT blokes will like your smile and your confidence, NOT DECENT blokes will say everything to you including as much sexual innuendo as they possibly can. Avoid these men. Maybe. DECENT bloke will try to make you laugh, then offer to buy you a coffee and LISTEN to you rather than sound off about his job, car etc etc. Dirty secret: Young blokes will brag and try to shag you (that's the way it is), older blokes will brag...and try to shg you. YOU need to pick the best bloke who will not want anything from you and pay for the ENTIRE first date. Jesus, listen to me? hahaha. I am experienced as my babe is hell younger than me, and i am 34. Anyhoo, hope this helps. Nathan
Men please help me :(?
haha yeah right. you wish.
Men please help me :(?
just hang around ppl ur age a lot more often- ur guarenteed to meet more people that will like you from deescription u gave- good luck and dont give up
Men please help me :(?
Seeing as your name is "seductive girl" .. your not fooling anyone. Never met a girl that was hot that didn't know that she was. if your hot than you should know it, stop fishing for compliments eventhough you say your not.
Men please help me :(?
Just be yourself. Don't go looking for it. Trust me. Everyone will tell you that and it works.
Men please help me :(?
introduce yourself, men dont like it when girls don't make the first move, same with girls too. but just act really friendly and introduce yourself to people and eventually the guy you like. talk to him more, dont pause or make awkward statements. show a few signs that you like him.
Men please help me :(?
Sometimes you might have to approach them...
Men please help me :(?
sorry hun, but the way you dress sends a message and the message you are sending now is not attracting the guys you want it to, so try changing your style a little- maybe go a little more conservative
Men please help me :(?
why dont u try and aproach them a little?
Men please help me :(?
well, from my prospective it seems like your a shy person. And whenever i see a girl whos shy or what not i try and talk to them and get to know them better because i guess shy people are so mysterious. But im guessing those guys that are around your age are jsut afraid to approach you and talk to you because well hey our a pretty beautiful girl no doubt about that. So im guessing those guys are just shy to talk to you; and prolly the only reason that 40 year old came up to you was because , well since hes older he probabbly just has more experience when it comes to speaking to women. So my advice to you is, instead of a nice smile how about a "hi" or some other form of a friendly gesture that is more noticable then a smile, that makes you say " hi, im interested"
Men please help me :(?
Tone it down a little. I can see how younger men would be intimidated by you and the way you dress. At 30, I'm willing to go up to a girl like that and ask her out (I would, but my wife probably wouldn't like it). At 18, you just a little bit too intimidating for 18 year old guys
Men please help me :(?
some guys just lack confidence
i would definitely approach you and start some good conversation
Men please help me :(?
I wish I knew how to use this freaking thing greatly, because I did get your answer, sweetie, and I know what you mean, I just don't have a clue how to talk to you on this bloody site.
Men please help me :(?
Please do not pay attention to such happenings or you will play with fire only. You're still mentally immature %26amp; have a long way to go. Do not expect good response from wolves in streets. They use girls like a cigarette. Study rigorously for at least 2-3 more years %26amp; be expert in some profession. After having a suitable job, try to have a nice , sipmle, cool , god fearing, tolerant %26amp; highly civilized match %26amp; get properly married to him. After that you will realise that , that is the best way of enjoying life in secured %26amp; responsible manner. There is no better replacement of marriage. A good match for you must be 5 years older than you.
Men please help me :(?
You should work up the courage to walk up to any man that you are interested in having a relationship with. Just walk up and introduce yourself, if you don't know them and I am speaking of men your own age. Do Not Ever get into a relationship with a man that is 22 years older than you or that is your parents age....that would be TROUBLE---never be with a man that is more than 10 years older than you are, they have so much more experience with life than you do, they have been places you have not even dreamed of going....some of them are probably married, or have been. Seek out someone closer to your age, someone with about the same amount of life's experience that you have had....enjoy your youth with someone that is learning about life, just as you are...good luck...MIMI
Men please help me :(?
Give youself some time this will come about with time....Dont get into a yourself dont try to be fake! Dress for the way or type of guys you want to meet meaning if you dress slutty then you will attact trash!
The old guys are just horney and looking for something young or are just idiots.............
Be yourself dont try to be someone you aren't!!!!
Enjoy your youth!!!
Men please help me :(?
men are very much task oriented if you give them a task they are all over it. If you leave it open for them to come up with something you'll often become disappointed. Do what your doing now. Ask for help for something. I can't find my car can you help me out or at a book store. I'm trying to find a good book on bla bla bla what ever. If they like you they'll take advantage of the opportunity of getting close to ya.
Men please help me :(?
you have to realize that 100% of men have a DEEP ROOTED fear of approaching women, no matter what any man says, sadly it's true. Any HONEST male any age will tell you that. That goes for the pretty women only. Smiling definitely helps, but I think the BEST quality to getting a guy is 1. being able to talk a lot, 2. laughing at what he says (especially if it's lame to save his face) 3. smile at him a lot(when appropriate) 4. HAVE A REACTION to what he says (to make it seem like what he's saying is being heard and important)
guys don't like just "walking" up to women randomly, it makes things awkward for men, and nowadays every female thinks it's just another pick up line anyways (or at least men think that). do yourself a favor and try to think of it not from a perspective of 'there's something wrong with me...' Im 20 years old and i still have trouble approaching women that are 18, 19, whatever. I go for women older than me now just because they can talk talk talk and care what you have to say.
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