I'm 18. I know this guy who works with me and goes to my school and has a girlfriend. She also goes to school with. Theyve been goin out for over a yr but theyve seeing eachother throughout all high school history.
Not long ago he was curious to know if i liked him because obviously he likes me back. I told him i did like him but then i tried to forget about him so i didnt talk to him for weeks. i was doing good till my bday party came up. He was looking to be around me all night. he tried to dance with me finally it happens. he kept hugging me, touching my thighs, my hair, my back, everything. He was very sweet and caring too. he told me he never cheated on his girl but if he had a chance with me he would take it. he talks to his boys at work when im not there about how sexy my lips look and how good they would be for a Bl0w J0b. i told him to keep "us" between us and i know he wont say anything maybe hes trying to hide that we like eachother by saying things like that.
He has a girl, i'm single. We want eachother.... HELP?
Tell him he needs to get out of his current relationship before he tries anything with you. Don't help him to hurt someone, cause that is what will happen, not only that, but what kind of relationship starts out with secrecy and lies......one that ends that way. If he won't get out of his current relationship, don't talk to him anymore and don't let him touch you at all, don't even give him the time of day.
He has a girl, i'm single. We want eachother.... HELP?
i would honestly like tell him hey look break up with the girl and be with me.. lool.. thats just me. lol
He has a girl, i'm single. We want eachother.... HELP?
u dont want a guy like that.. at least have some respect and leave that couple alone. dont be the home wrecker its not worth it. At least make him break up with her so he isnt cheating.. If he cheats on her what makes u think he wont on u? think about it!
He has a girl, i'm single. We want eachother.... HELP?
In the first place, you knew he had a girlfriend and you are already allowing this guy to play with your body (which means that although you don't want to be his whore you are already acting like one). I'm sorry, that is the hard truth.
If this guy really cared about you for more than his sexual desires, would he treat you like a whore? Would he allow himself to be disrespectful and unfaithful to his own girlfriend by treating you in this way? Would he say that he doesn't want to push you, but constantly touch and talk about you in a sexual way (especially to his friends)? If he truly respected you, he would never treat you that way, or want other men to think of you that way.
He might sound sweet and caring, but the things he is doing are NOT sweet or caring. If he wants you for more than a sex toy, he's going to be up front with his girlfriend, break off their relationship, and start a relationship with you that doesn't have to be "just between us."
He has a girl, i'm single. We want eachother.... HELP?
Don't be His SLUT.....He's trying you like you're some type of whore...Do you know how disrespectful it is for a man to want you to place his "nasty" penis in your mouth that he apparently has placed in someone elses vaginal area???? I'm just keepin it real with you....because obviously you're young, and very impressionable....and gullible to say the least. You deserve a boy that will respect you....believe me if you fool around with this "dawg" everyone will know and you will be "slut of the year." PleaseeeeeeePleassssseeee don't throw your sweet reputation away....You're toooooo sweeeeet a person right now......But this "stupid" decision could possibly cause unchangeable results.
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