Sunday, July 26, 2009

Create chains of Would U Rather questions with me :)?

would u rather die painfully %26amp; slowly from lung cancer but have an awesome incredible sexy young-hood, or live long and healthy but never have sex?

would u rather have ugly, dry, frizzy hair that can never be in any style, or a shaved head with full of pimples?

Create chains of Would U Rather questions with me :)?

would you rather wake up and find yourself in mongolia with no money or phone, or get chased for fifty miles by fierce lions on an african plain?

would you rather be blind and death, or mute and retarded?

would you rather be caught having sex with your teacher or masterbating to a film on animals mating?

haha wow

Create chains of Would U Rather questions with me :)?

Would you rather answer questions on Yahoo or actually be working?

Create chains of Would U Rather questions with me :)?

Would you rather be on here, or doing something important?

Create chains of Would U Rather questions with me :)?

long and healthy but never have sex :), sex isnt everything in life.

Create chains of Would U Rather questions with me :)?

would you rather be rich

or good looking

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