Well, I am a gay male and I just meet this guy. He dint know I was gay until last weekend, but before that, he used to "joke" a lot around. I explain, he will tell me comments like "damn you are sexy", " I need to find me a boyfriend, I am tired of Girls" or " He is cute". He plays around a lot, he touch my ***, my front part and many more. He has told me he has kissed a guy before, slept in bed naked with other guys, he told me that he loves girls with short hair "like little boys". He sit down in the toilet to piss, he is very clean, HE LOVES Drags shows. He will come to me and make me drink and get drunk and thats when he really loves "joking around". He does all of this but he says that he is not Gay. I told him he is bisexual, and he says NO he is not. Even that he does more gay stuff than me, and I am 100% Gay. I have told him that there is a stage, call denial, but he wont believe me. I will like to hear other people opinion and I want him to read what others have to say. HELP !
Is my Male Friend Bisexual ? HELP PLEASE !!!!?
hmm.. i think he's in denial as you've said... but it shouldn't bother you though, i mean you're okay with it right? if he doesn't think that he's gay or bisexual, just respect his opinion... he owns his body and the actions he did... not you... don't be bothered by it... i mean unless if he does something you don't like anymore...
Is my Male Friend Bisexual ? HELP PLEASE !!!!?
he definitely sounds bi but if he is denying it there's no true way to be sure! best of luck
Is my Male Friend Bisexual ? HELP PLEASE !!!!?
Honestly i think that you should just leave it alone. It is his sexuality to figure out, not yours.
Is my Male Friend Bisexual ? HELP PLEASE !!!!?
ugh well this is hard to tell.... jk no its not this guy is 1000000% gay!
Is my Male Friend Bisexual ? HELP PLEASE !!!!?
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck? I'd say your in luck!! Quack Quack! I am not gay but if you are and you like it go for it!
Is my Male Friend Bisexual ? HELP PLEASE !!!!?
do u luv him???
Is my Male Friend Bisexual ? HELP PLEASE !!!!?
Whether he is bi or gay or whichever, there really isn't much you can do to "make him realize" he is. If he is in denial he is going to continue to be so until he is ready (if he is bi or gay) to come out and let people know. The best thing for YOU to do is be supportive for whatever he decides to do AND if it is confusing you when he does that stuff to you ask him to stop and please respect you. If he isn't gay or bi then tell him to please stop "teasing you" and give you the wrong impression, especially since you two are friends. Friends don't mess around with other friend's minds or feelings.
Is my Male Friend Bisexual ? HELP PLEASE !!!!?
well i personally think that he is soo gay. its pretty obvious but if he chooses to say he is not maybe he just doesnt think he is or isnt sure. just give him time. maybe he will realize it.
Is my Male Friend Bisexual ? HELP PLEASE !!!!?
try not to pressure him into figuring out his sexuality right away. maybe he's confused, and wants u to support him. tell him not to label himself. u love who u love. u can't change that. and tell him that watever he does, u complatley believe in him, and support him.
Is my Male Friend Bisexual ? HELP PLEASE !!!!?
Be straight (no pun intended) with him. Tell him that his joking behavior is confusing to you if it is. If you enjoy the attention, that's fine to.
He may or may not be gay or even bi. He just might be a tactile person. Does it sound like he has at least some attraction to men? Yes. Does he necessarily? No. Then again, a lot of men get into major denial about being attracted to men because of the huge stigma against it (from most people). If you're okay with the way he acts (i.e. it doesn't confuse you or your feelings towards him), then let him be and he'll either come to terms with it, or he will realize that if he wants to say he's straight, grabbing other guys' wangs or kissing them isn't really going to fly.
Is my Male Friend Bisexual ? HELP PLEASE !!!!?
You don't have to pin a sexuality label on him. Whatever he is, he is playing games and being manipulative. That is the issue, not his sexuality.
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