Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My friend is quite idiotic, what should I do?

My friend is quite lovely, but very very idiotic, she can't even read text properly. She will only eat her lunch on a spinny chair and will play her guitar from 3am till 6am at any sleepover. She has a tendency to walk around on stilts to make herself taller and every assembely she sings "I'm too sexy" and everyone stares at her. She thinks human beings dance for water in France and she sees people who are not there (like my friend who is on the german exchange). She is convinced Harry Potter was written in the 17th century and thinks eggs taste like our friend Emily's hair. What should I do? Also she likes to eat pickled onions in the bath- which she tells us everyday!

My friend is quite idiotic, what should I do?

Either you have a VERY vivid imagination, or you have a very interesting friend. At least life will never be dull with a friend like that. If it embarrasses you to hang around her, stop hanging around her. If this is not the issue - enjoy her! There are few people around with the childlike outlook on life that your friend seems to have.

My friend is quite idiotic, what should I do?

Just enjoy your quirky friend...you'll never be bored!

My friend is quite idiotic, what should I do?

TELL them they r acting like a idiot

My friend is quite idiotic, what should I do?

wowo your friend is seroiusly weired well wht you should do is to wack her when she dos some thing stupid thats wht i do to my friends

My friend is quite idiotic, what should I do?

jus tell her that u r quite idiotic in many ways....then see wat she says...or go to a counsler...

My friend is quite idiotic, what should I do?

well i think dont hang out with her for one day and then if she ask why tell her your making your self into and idiot and maybe you can help outbut see more answers first kk

My friend is quite idiotic, what should I do?

she is eccentric not idiotic. maybe even a little schizophrenic. love her for her and don't try to change her. how many people try to fit a certain social mold set by society?? she doesn't!!! love her for that alone!!!!

My friend is quite idiotic, what should I do?

You'll never be bored around her, she's the star of entertainment.

My friend is quite idiotic, what should I do?

lol love her she mite get back to a normal being

My friend is quite idiotic, what should I do?

I love people like that! Stay around her as long as you can. Most people are dull boring and stupid.

My friend is quite idiotic, what should I do?

Dont get irritated. You have some thing always to laugh at with her. Had I been in your place I would have enjoyed it. Be good to her. May be she expects to be treated like a child.

My friend is quite idiotic, what should I do?

give your friend a chance if you a true friend guide her not tell about her.

My friend is quite idiotic, what should I do?

make me yours friend simple. mrugen007@gmail.com

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